How are we doing

Our work 2023/24


community defibrillators retrieved for life-threatening emergencies


incidents attended


patients treated and discharged at home


patients treated and discharged over the phone

Regular performance monitoring ensures we deliver the highest standards of patient care.

Annual report

Annual report 2023-24

Review of the year 2023-24

Annual report 2022-23

Review of the year 2022-23

Quality report

Quality report 2023-24

Quality report 2022-23

Patient experience


Infection prevention and control annual report

IPC annual report 2021-22

Audit completion report

Audit completion report 2022-23

Performance reports

We monitor our performance against a framework of Key Performance Indicators. The NEAS Board is presented with regular performance reports at each of its meetings.

View the most recent report.

View our latest performance and quality indicators and compare these against those of other ambulance Trusts.

Resource Escalation Action Plan (REAP)

Our Resource Escalation Action Plan (REAP) outlines actions that are necessary to protect the core services and supply the best possible level of service with the resources we have available. There are four levels of escalation.

REAP is designed to be informed by any disruptive challenges, and to inform internally and to the wider NHS and other partner agencies of the pressures facing the organisation. The considerations and actions contained within ‘the REAP’ are designed to assist in protecting staff, patients and the organisation and should be viewed as guidance in challenging situations. Processes are also in place to report REAP data on a national level via the template.

We are currently operating at REAP level 3.

Quality Improvement Schemes

Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) enables our commissioners to reward us for quality improvement and excellence by linking a proportion of our income to the achievement of local quality improvement goals.

We agree our CQUIN framework with our commissioners based on areas where we feel we can improve quality and increase the number of new working practices.

View our latest goals.

Clinical Governance

We work hard to ensure that improved patient care and safety is of the highest priority to all our staff. We have some key strategic objectives to ensure we continue to further advance this area. We report our progress against these objectives in our annual reports.

Care Quality Commission

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator for health and social care in England. Its role is to ensure that providers are meeting national standards and drive improvements.

Find out more and view our latest inspection report.

Audit Reports

All NHS organisations are subject to independent external audit. The Trust's external auditors issue three different audit opinions in line with the following workstreams:

  1. Undertake an audit of our annual accounts to determine whether they provide a true and fair view.
  2. Determine whether the Trust has proper arrangements in place to secure economy, efficiency and effectiveness, more commonly known as value for money.
  3. Undertake specific testing on the Trust's Quality Report to determine whether the mandated national performance indicators are accurate in all material respects, and whether the content of the Report is consistent with other sources (for example, the material contained with Board and committee reports and papers).

The external auditor prepares and issues an Annual Letter which summarises the key issues arising from its work over the past year, and any associated recommendations for management to address. 

Licence compliance 

On 10 June 2021 the Board of Directors confirmed continued compliance with General Condition 6 of the Trust's NHS provider licence and confirmed its response to Continuity of Service Condition 7.

Self certifications 

National worker flu vaccination

Best practice management checklist 2023-24


If you require a report from a previous year, please email