North East Ambulance Service technician takes part in gruelling 1900-mile banger rally for veterans’ charities

An emergency care technician from North East Ambulance Service took part in a national charity banger rally last month to raise money for veterans’ charities close to his heart.
Andy Martin-Harper, who served for 22 years in the Corps of Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (R.E.M.E.) prior to joining NEAS in 2012, represented the North East as part of Team 31 Barney Rubble Vets in this year’s Veterans Banger Rally, driving 1,925 miles from Dover to Gibraltar in a £500 53 plate Skoda Octavia estate car to raise money for the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association (SSAFA) charity and Care After Combat.
Their journey took them from Dover, to Le Mans, Pau over the Pyrenees to Valencia, onto Malaga and finishing at Gibraltar.
The team-of-four, comprising Andy as well as Gary Bevan, Elliot Bevan and Peter Colquitt, wore Barney Rubble masks throughout the week.
Andy, who is based at Barnard Castle station, said: “Life has many twists and turns for us all and, working on an ambulance, I often attend people whose life ended up on a path that they never intended to take. Sometimes they just need a point in the right direction.
“I think this is especially true for veterans as there’s a difference between being in the Forces and civilian life and it can take some adjusting to.
“In the case of British Armed Forces personnel, the Care After Combat charity supports veterans within the Criminal Justice System and aims to give them the best possible chance of making a success of their life beyond custody.
“Being a Veteran should not be something you’re ashamed of, or nervous to mention. Veterans suffer due to their service; sometimes this is very visible but it’s often in ways you can’t see.
“We were fortunate enough to be able to manage to visit various interesting places along the way, such as Agincourt, Le Mans 24-hour race track, the French Muséé des Parachutistes, and Alhambra in Granda, all places none of us had visited before.
“We decided to where possible keep off of the toll roads as we'd see more of the countryside, albeit this made the adventure longer. Perhaps the best bit every day was tasting the local cuisine.
“We would like to say thank you to all those who were able to donate to our supported charity and not least our car – she did us proud.”
So far the team has raised £900.