Could you be the next person to lead North East Ambulance Service?

10th January 2025

We are now seeking an inspiring, collaborative and visible chief executive officer for one of the most pivotal NHS services in the north east, whose leadership has our patients, communities and the wellbeing of our staff at their heart.

NEAS serves a population of 2.7 million people – from Berwick to North Yorkshire,  with a workforce of over 3,500 valuable colleagues, students and volunteers. The service provides significant support to the region’s population, answering over 1.4 million 999 and 111 calls each year, attending more then 400,000 incidents, making 463,000 planned patient transport journeys. 

The successful candidate will work with our new chair, Professor Stuart Corbridge, and our board of directors. They will be comfortable operating at scale, create opportunities for the ambulance sector across the health system, have excellent communication skills and a strong focus on equality, diversity and inclusion. 

Find out more about the position and apply here:

The vacancy closes at 9am on Monday 3 February.